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Miele Dishwasher Error f70

miele dishwasher error f70


Hello! When the Miele dishwasher displays the error code f70, we are faced with a warning sign that we need to pay attention to and fix this problem as soon as possible. But, what does this code really mean? Today we are going to find out what this error means, explore its causes, and also offer you solutions so that you can fix it.

This fault is activated in the Miele dishwasher when the water leak protection system detects a problem. The drip tray has filled up, and the dishwasher enters precautionary mode, stops, and displays the warning on the screen. The washing cycle is interrupted, and the drainage pump is activated to try to solve the problem by itself. However, you will most likely have to help it.

These are the possible causes that can cause this fault to appear on your Miele dishwasher's screen:

  • The drip tray has filled up with water: The drip tray is located at the base of the dishwasher and accumulates water that has leaked for any reason. If this drip tray fills up with water, the protection system is activated to prevent leaks.
  • An excess of foam or inappropriate product: It may happen that you are using a product that is not suitable for your dishwasher or that you are using too much soap, causing the excess foam to overflow and activate the water level sensor of your dishwasher.
  • Water leaks inside your dishwasher: The dishwasher could have a leak somewhere in the system, such as the filter, hoses, pipes, or hose seals. So, check all these components and make sure to repair the water leak, wherever it comes from.
  • Problems with the drainage pump: If the drainage pump does not function correctly, it will not be able to drain the water, causing it to accumulate inside the dishwasher and some kind of leak to occur. A fault in the pump can cause this error on the screen.

These are the causes that have caused the Miele dishwasher to show you this error on the screen. But now let's see what solutions we can apply so that we can fix it ourselves.


We have prepared for you a list of solutions that you can apply to repair your dishwasher and continue using it normally. Do not skip any of these steps, as all of them are important:

  1. Start with a complete reset to rule out temporary errors: Before embarking on complicated repairs, first perform a simple reset of the appliance. To do this, turn off your dishwasher completely and disconnect it from the power supply for 15 minutes. This process allows for a total system reset, including the sensors, eliminating possible temporary errors or false positives. After the time has elapsed, reconnect the dishwasher and check if the f70 error has disappeared. If the problem persists, proceed with the following steps.
  2. Unclog and drain your Miele dishwasher for a thorough inspection: Turn off your dishwasher and disconnect it from the power supply so you can work quietly. Open the main door of the dishwasher and check if there is water at the bottom that has not been drained properly. You can use a needleless syringe to gradually drain all the water or you can also use a dry towel to remove the water little by little. Once you have the dishwasher completely dry inside, continue with the following steps that we indicate below.
  3. Ensure a proper water flow by cleaning the drain filter of your Miele dishwasher: Locate the drain filter and remove it to carefully clean it with a soft bristle brush, warm water, and a little vinegar to disinfect it. Remove any food residue or dirt that may be obstructing the water flow through this filter. If you notice that the filter is very damaged or has breaks, consider replacing it with a new one compatible with your dishwasher model. If you have indeed seen that the filter was in poor condition, then you will have to check the drain pump as well.
  4. Check the proper functioning of the drain pump of your Miele dishwasher: Access the drain pump, usually located at the bottom of the dishwasher, and check if there are any objects stuck in it. Also, check its proper functioning. If you notice that the pump is damaged, replace it with a new one compatible with your dishwasher model.
  5. Inspect the drain hose and confirm that it is in good condition: Verify that the drain hose is not bent, crushed, broken, or blocked. Disconnect it and inspect it thoroughly. If you notice a pronounced bend, straighten it so that it is not blocked by that folded curve. Also, make sure it is not crushed by the dishwasher itself or by the wall. If the hose is blocked, try to unclog it with a fine wire without damaging it inside. Carry out this procedure carefully to avoid puncturing it. If the hose is in poor condition, replace it with a new one and you're done. Take the opportunity to also check the seals and connections of this hose, as it often happens that these connections leak water over time due to deterioration. Perhaps with a little insulating tape (Teflon), you can solve this problem if the joints and connections are not well sealed.
  6. Verify the water level sensor to avoid errors like false positives in your Miele dishwasher: A faulty water level sensor can send incorrect information to the dishwasher's PCB electronic board, generating an error on the device's screen. This sensor could also be affected by using too much soap or an unsuitable product for your dishwasher, as foam is the enemy of sensors. Perform preventive maintenance on the water sensor and check its proper functioning. If you detect any faults in its functionality, you will have to replace it with a new one compatible with your dishwasher.
  7. Carefully review each step we have mentioned for a more accurate diagnosis: Make sure you have followed all the steps described above to the letter and with all the necessary details. Do not omit any of them to guarantee an effective repair of your dishwasher, as all the details are important when fixing a problem like this. If the problem persists, then we advise you to consult the experts in Miele dishwashers.
  8. Contact Miele's technical support for a thorough review of your Miele dishwasher: If none of the above solutions have solved the problem with your dishwasher, then please contact Miele's official technical support. Since they are experts in their own appliance, they will provide you with personalized and professional assistance, apart from accurately diagnosing the problem with your dishwasher and giving you the appropriate solution according to your case. Do not waste time and allow the experts to help you solve the problem before it becomes more serious and the repair becomes more expensive.

In summary, we know that the f70 error code on Miele brand dishwashers is related to water leaks inside the appliance, as the drip tray has filled with water and the system stops to prevent further damage. You can see this error as a warning sign to avoid future problems with the appliance. This fault is generally caused by water leaks inside your dishwasher, a damaged water level sensor, or a malfunctioning drain pump. To fix it, you just have to follow the steps we have indicated in this small guide of tips that we have prepared for you.

That's it! A fault that is not very complicated to fix, since you just have to investigate where the water leak in your dishwasher comes from, and of course, repair it. Remember that preventive maintenance, done at least once a year, can, redundantly speaking, prevent this type of situation. We hope we have been very helpful to you today. Good luck and see you next time!

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